Sunday, January 23, 2011

Fried Chicken!

Yes, that's right. Fried chicken!

I got a text today from Ben's phone (or from Ben or Tricia using Ben's phone) asking if I wanted fried or grilled chicken tonight. First, very kind of them to be willing to be so flexible. No surprise there.

Second, cheat night! So I went with the fried. Let's hope I don't regret it later. Tasted delicious, however!

Breakfast: Two eggs (one yolk), slice of whole-grain wheat bread, fruit smoothie (yogurt, banana), skim milk with whey protein and cinnamon.

Lunch: Salad (cup of spinach, cup of romaine mix, serving of red pepper, serving of grilled chicken, olive oil, balsamic vinegar), carrots, apple.

Dinner: Two fried chicken thighs, about a cup of potatoes with maybe a couple teaspoons or a whole tablespoon of Country Crock, about half a cup of corn, and what I'd guess was about two or three servings of asparagus with some mushrooms mixed in there. Every time I wanted to eat more of something else (except for the chicken--I gave in pretty quickly on that second thigh), I put more of the asparagus-and-mushrooms on my plate.

Because my mini-goal for this week involved being under a certain weight for the first time in probably over a decade (but honestly I have no idea when I first noticed I'd gotten over that point), I think I'll hold off doing a spot-check (and therefore unofficial) weigh-in until maybe Wednesday.

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